Friday, February 08, 2008

Liberal Approach to "Global Warming" Could Kill Us All

Once again we see evidence of how tree-hugging liberals are wrong -- wrong enough as proponents of the latest buzz-word not only linked to junk science, but a path to genocide. Strong words? Too strong? I don't know; perhaps; however, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a liberal, tree-hugging hater of carbon-based fuels that would claim anything less of those who happily fill their tanks with 92 Octane.

And even if you believe in the so-called "man's part in global warming," or in global warming at all, you have to laugh when you watch the liberal lemmings march down the path toward their own extinction.

One of their latest forays into junk science -- the fight against fossil fuels -- leads them, and now apparently us, right down such a path. For some time now, the cry has been, "... rid ourselves of this dependence on fossil fuels..." Their answer to this, of course, has been to support the world's switch to bio-fuels. To be perfectly honest, I don't have a problem with bio-fuels, especially if they can provide me with an inexpensive alternative to paying some radical, Muslims for their dinosaur squeezings. Frankly, if through the use of bio-fuels we could starve them out of existence, I'd be willing to pay more -- a small price to pay for such a large service to humanity.

Shocked; are we? Really? And what was it the tree-huggers have been saying all this time? Oh yes; I remember the slogan, "If you drive and SUV you're supporting terrorism..."

Then today I read a new study -- one that says that the production of these bio-fuel crops will in fact accelerate global warming by decreasing the land cover that, today, is responsible for balancing the production of these greenhouse gasses. But don't take my word for it, read for yourself.

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